General Assembly 2023’s theme is “Together.” After many difficult years of being apart, our YFC family is coming back together! Our hope is that GA 2023 will provide an amazing opportunity for young leaders around the world to come to together to meet others who have the same mission and vision they do. For our young leaders we want to make sure they are fully equipped in the core essentials of YFC as they come “together” to serve God’s kingdom in reaching every young person. Ensuring that our young leaders are equipped in the core values of YFC (evangelism and discipleship, scripture, prayer, church, people, mobilization, and integrity) will bring unity to the movement in reaching young people everywhere. As a unified body of young leaders, and with this firm foundation in the essentials of YFC, we hope to see them carry on the mission of YFC for the next generation.
Who qualifies as a Young Leader for GA 2023?
We are looking for young leaders who:
- Are between the ages of 18-30 years old
- Are currently on staff or are volunteering for a YFC program
- Have the potential to be key staff/volunteer in the future
- Are able to attend GA in the Netherlands
- Can commit to pre and post GA assignments related to your area’s program (talk with area coordinator for details)
- Will continue to work with YFC after GA and whose nation is committed to keeping them actively involved in YFC
- Have the full endorsement of the National Director/Coordinator
- Have a strong commitment to their relationship with God and seeing young people know Jesus.
- Have a good grasp of the English or Spanish language. We are trying to get interpretation for talking from the stage but almost all the interaction with other young leaders throughout GA will be done in English and Spanish.
The Young Leader Training Course
The training will consist of the following:
- Pre and Post GA – Every area of YFC (Africa, Asia/Pacific, EMENA, Americas) is currently or is launching this year their own young leader programs. It is an expectation that every young leader who comes to GA will have participated or will participate in the future in their area’s young leader program.
- At GA – Attend all general sessions, young leader sessions and activities.
Other Details
- For the full Young Leader Travel Stipend process, click here.
- Young leaders will have to pay for their registration and travel costs. YFCI is providing financial assistance for many nations. Please see the GA registration site for more details.
- Each nation sending young leaders must have someone on staff, or a volunteer, who oversees and supervises the young leaders as they go through all the young leader process. This is a requirement for a nation to send young leaders.
- Please contact your area young leader coordinator for more information:
o Africa – Susan Masuka – [email protected]
o Americas – Luciana Noya– [email protected]
o Asia/Pacific – Jasen Brooks – [email protected]
o EMENA – Marieke Klaasse – [email protected]